Monday, February 15, 2010

Today marks the day...

..of something new....

and it feels pretty darn good!!

It gives me great joy to share with you a project very close to my heart.

Today marks the day of the official digital release date of my debut EP- "Show & Tell".

It is available on itunes, amazon, and directly through my website!

If you are moved by these songs and stories, please spread the word and tell your friends and family.

I am so glad today happened. It feels sooooo good!

You can do ANYTHING you put your heart and soul in to!!!

Written with love and gratitude...



  1. love it! bought it! telling everyone about it! xxx

  2. I'm soooo excited. I miss you in SF. I will get the album ASAP and tell all my StageDoor buds. We still do talk about you and wish you well...Looks like our wishes are working. Bettie

  3. congratulations!! I bought it, I love your music. Keep making it! Peace and happiness to you.
